Syafiq's Creation

Monday, December 03, 2007

December is here. This means that end of year is fast approaching. This left me about 2 months plus before I graduate. Time moves very fast in reality. Sometimes I simply can't keep pace with it. Many stuffs need to done and one example is my FYP. I need to rush some reports since my thumdrive spoilt a few weeks back. I don't really mind if it's spoilt but what I really mind is that all my reports are in that small item. Here comes the worse part, all the reports I don't save inside my laptop. So I need to re-do the reports once more. Damn, how troublesome is that man.

Right now, I'm suffering mind blockage. I can't think no more. Well, just now, I were trying to do my school work. Suddenly out from no where and without reason, it's like my brain stop functioning or something. Mind went blank. But luckily, this doesn't occured to me always.

Now I've to hit back my reports and some other stuffs.


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