Syafiq's Creation

Saturday, July 29, 2006

fuuuhhhh!!!finally has completed doing the report..i was doin a report that i barely understand wat is it about..but for the sake of my group members, i just have to do it whatever it takes..has been doing that report for one week already and today morning just completed's about 20 pages thick and i had to think deeply to write the report..luckily my fren sent me a sample of the report..i took that report for my reference and i changed most of the parts..some parts are incomplete so i sent to my leader to do it for me..

the movie The Fast and The Furious:Tokyo Drift is coming out soon on cinema..though the movie hasn't shown yet, i have seen the movie..this show is somehow like the movie The Fast and The Furious but this show is about drifting..since i like car racing, it's a cool movie..i'll recommend this show to whoever loves car racing and hmm, hot japanese chicks..ahahahaha..i bet u will enjoy the show like i do..

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

i've been in poly for some time already,about 1yr plus..i'm still wondering if i know everthing about my own poly..i mean where's the library is located, where's this blk, wat is the name of this room and stuffs like that..i must admit that most of them i don't really know till today..if i have a class at a certain blk, i just go there without knowing wat blk is tat..i have this kind of habit..i know how to get to a place without knowing the's weird though..why i say all this shits?? today after skul while i was on my way to dover mrt station, there's this bunch of sec. skul guys came to me..they showed a piece of paper whether if i know the answer for the questions..i looked at it and i can't answer most of the question..the questions asked were like where's this blk located and wat is the name of this room..i just shake my head so i passed back the paper..i guese they'll be thinking something like this, "this guy skul here but don't know anything"..but i hope not...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

my parents went back to kampong again with grandma..remember abt the old man i was talking about last week in my blog, he had just passed away this week so my parents visited his family..i'm quite surprise with his death..i got to see him abt 2 mths ago..he was ok when i visited him..DEATH can occur anywhere and we need to cherish wat we have now and spend every little time with our love ones before we left this world..that's all for this post..

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

what had got into me?? i become lazier and lazier as each days pass..skip at least one class per day..exams weeks away and i'm still playing a fool..tutorials have yet to be done and have yet to cover some of the topics which i missed..there are modules that i'm left far behind and really need to catch up soon..TOTALLY SUCKS!!!!!but come to think again, it's such a waste if i don't skip class once in a while i guese..

Saturday, July 15, 2006

today my parents and grandma balik kampong to see my mum's uncle..he was sick and had health's normal for an old person like left me and my bros at parents will not be back till tomorrow..luckily my mum got cook for us before she departed..if not, i'll be starving at home by now..

yesterday something strange happened to me..i brought some extra cash to skul to buy my stuff..i kept it in my file..when i was going home, i took out the money and realized that i had an extra $10 on it..i didn't know where the hell that $10 note came from..i asked one of my fren who knew how much i brought..he was surprised too..he was sure that i brought a certain amount and the $10 note was an odd one i asked my classmates whoever lost $ one lost it..finally i got to keep that $10..till now i wondered where that note came can't be possibly appeared just like that..something must happen..but watever it is, i'm glad that i got free i wish this thing will happen to me every day or maybe most of the time..get free NOTES!!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

it's been exactly a week since i last updated..don't really know wat to update life is basically the same the same routines daily..skul is going far so good..although i face some difficulties along the way, somewhat i can get over it..if i can't, there are my coursemates to help me out..most of the tests are over and i can say that i'm quite satisfied with my results so far..even though i study the night before the test, my results are still fren of mine he studied one week before the test and he got the same marks as me..i was surprised..he teached me just before the test..i guese i was lucky..this is what i call "LUCK"..sometimes u do need luck for your test or exam but that only plays a minor part of it..u need to study..u can't possibly rely on luck everytime..once a while is fine..

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

finally today i played's been like 2 yrs since i last played soccer..that was when i'm in sec.4..missed playing badly..luckily my frens asked me whether to join them..without hesitation, i agreed..thought of playing at street soccer court but got many ppl there..decided to play at basketball court instead..while playing, i hurt my ankle pretty bad..i was in pain at that point of time..luckily i didn't sprain my ankle..just a normal was one of my stupidest day..i chewed chewing gum..after finish chewing, i wrapped it..since at then point of time there's no bin, i kept inside my pocket the evening, i took out my hp and it was sticky all first, i didn't bother..after the 2nd time, i checked my pocket..when i put my hand in, it was sticky..then i realized i kept chewing gum in i need to clean my stupid can that be..

i'm so surprised i scored quite well for a paper which i had minimum knowledge about it..really unexpected..thank god!!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

today i must dragged myself up from my bed to go to skul..i thought today had no skul as today was youth bro didn't go to skul..i called my class leader and he said today had class..i planned to skip class for today but i rethink again, today i had only one class..somemore today workshop day so it's better for me to go..i can't possibly let my groupmates down..we had stuffs to machine and complete our project..the faster we complete machining, the better..

after the class, me and my other 2 frens decided to go to sim lim tower to buy some of our stuffs for our project..luckily one of my fren drove to skul so we got to hop in his car..the worst part is that he didn't know how to get there..well he's malaysian and he really didn't know the east part of s'pore that well..luckily my other fren knew the streets very well..on the way there, my fren cursed many times to other drivers who horn him and cut in his was damn funny..after we got our things, he sent me home..again, we didn't know the shortest route to get to my estate..we went one big round..i think i need to learn s'pore streets next time so it's easier for me when i drive..

i think i don't want to know my tests' results yet..there was this module which almost all of the students in other class failed..this is not surprising for me..the paper was pretty tough though..